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Selectmen Minutes 11/12/2014

Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Member Present: Richard DeBold, Michael Paveglio, Jeffrey Jordan, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard

Others Present: Ann Davis, Donna Chagnon, Alan Quimby, Ed Millette, Kara Merrill, Frank Merrill, Brad Merrill, Alan Mayville, Tom Houle, Lucille Noel

Call to Order: Mr. DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.


Department Heads

Police – Mrs. Pinard informed the Board Chief Clarke will not be in attendance this evening. He stated that he did not have anything to report.

Emergency Management – Nothing to Report

Fire – Chief Quimby stated he and Deputy Chief Cole had met with a grant writer today. They are reviewing a few different grants they are interested in pursuing. This will be an ongoing project. We are also working on the Ebola procedures and ensuring we have the proper safety gear. The dry hydrant has been installed on Durgin Road. We are working on the easement language for the dry hydrant to be located at the Plunkett residence. I have a proposal from JSF Builders to complete the bathroom updates that were discussed during the budget season last year. The total amount is under the purchasing policy requirements but I wanted to ask the Board if you would like me to get any additional quotes.
A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. Jordan to award the bid to JSF Builders for the bathroom repair in the amount of $817 to be paid out of the Town Facilities Capital Reserve Fund. Motion Passes

Ed Martell stated that the meeting with the Planning Board regarding the impact fees went well. We now have a better understanding. We need to have a project in the CIP regarding growth to be eligible to collect impact fees.

Building – Mrs. Pinard informed the Board that the Building Inspector was unable to attend.

Highway – Mrs. Pinard informed the Board the Road Agent was unable to attend this evening. He did send few items to update the Board that have been completed or are in the process of being completed. Plows are all done, salt is being delivered, they are still waiting on Advanced Paving to complete the shim jobs and hopefully they will be getting the truck back around Thanksgiving.

Library – Lucille Noel stated they are in the process of getting some quotes for the gutter on the side of the building. The story hour on Thursdays has been very active. There will be a Booksale on the 22nd and we are still working on our budget. The use of the community room has skyrocketed. We are having trouble scheduling some groups. We are working on a solution in hopes of accommodating everyone’s requests. We have requested that Mainstay look at our technology needs. Bill Haskett has been volunteering his IT services but he is retiring and we are now looking for someone more permanent.

Ann Davis stated the Garden Club and Agriculture Commission will not be meeting this month. Kristen from Creative Flowers will be presenting a How to on Cornucopia Designs sponsored by the Garden Club.

Kara Merrill – Waiver for a Building Permit on a Class VI Roadway
Frank Merrill stated the roadway has been completed with the exception of pavement. We would like to start building the family houses. I do not want to pave the road until I have sales that are not family owned. I don’t want the road to sit with binder on it for years.

Mr. DeBold stated that this waiver is to release the town of any liability. This means that we cannot guarantee emergency services will be able to respond. We also are not responsible for any roadway issues.

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. Jordan to grant the Agreement and Release Regarding Building Permit for a Class VI Highway pursuant to RSA 229:5 to Kara Merrill (Book 3427 Page 430), Frank Merrill (Book 2899 Page 628), and Bradley Merrill (Book 3427 Page 429) all found at the Merrimack County Registry of Deeds. Motion

General Business/Board Discussion:

Canterbury Road – State Agreement
Mr. DeBold reviewed the Canterbury Road Agreement. This has been approved by Governor and Council. It is now time for the Town to sign the agreement. I do have concerns regarding funding the project.

Mrs. Pinard stated this is funded through phases. Once a phase is complete you would then submit all of the necessary paperwork and invoices to the state for reimbursement. I would like the Board to review it over the next two weeks and formulate any questions you may have. Once I have the questions I can submit them to the state and have the answers for the Board.

Public Input
Lucille Noel stated in regards to the Grange Hall Window Restoration Project we were not able to include the storm area between the storm window and the window sill. During Phase II of this project they were in dire need of being done. I will pay for the seven windows that were completed during Phase II. The cost is $50 per window. There are ten windows that have not bene done and I was wondering if this is something that could be taken out of building maintenance.

Mrs. Pinard asked if the Board would consider paying for all of the windows. This is a building maintenance issue and the Town should pay for the windows.

Consensus of the Board agreed to pay the previous 7 windows that have been completed as well as the 10 windows in need of being completed.

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to pay $850 out of the Town Facilities Maintenance Capital Reserve Fund for the weatherization of the sills on 17 windows in the Grange Hall. Motion Passes

Ann Davis stated last winter a driver drove down Horse Corner and hit the utility pole across from our house. The driver was never found. When this happened it removed all of the electrical wires from our home and it cost us $1350. There have been numerous accidents on this corner. We have had a street light installed at that corner and we are paying for the street light.


A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to adjourn the meeting at 7:28pm. Motion Passes

Respectfully submitted,
                                                                Not approved until signed
Jodi Pinard, Town Administrator

Richard DeBold, Chair                        D. Michael Paveglio                               Jeffrey Jordan